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am a Research Fellow at the National
Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, France) at UMR Pacte (University of
Grenoble Alpes - Sciences Po Grenoble).
I am the Managing editor of the European Journal of Sociology. |
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The Upper Limit
How Low-Wage Work Defines Punishment and Welfare University of California Press, 2019 |
Read the introduction on Google Books |
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Since 1993, crime in the United States has fallen to historic lows, seeming to legitimize the country’s mix of welfare reform and mass incarceration. The Upper Limit explains how this unusual mix came about, examining how, beginning in the 1970s, declining living standards for the poor have defined social and penal policy in the United States, making welfare more restrictive and punishment harsher. Fran�ois Bonnet shows how low-wage work sets the upper limit of social and penal policy, where welfare must be less attractive than low-wage work and criminal life must be less attractive than welfare. In essence, the living standards of the lowest class of workers in a society determine the upper limit for the generosity of welfare and for the humanity of punishment in that society. The Upper Limit explores the local consequences of this punitive adjustment in East New York, a Brooklyn neighborhood where crime fell in the 1990s. Bonnet argues that no meaningful penal reform can happen unless living standards and the minimum wage rise again. Enlightening and provocative, The Upper Limit provides a comprehensive theory of the evolution of social and penal policy. | |
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"A book of incredible scope, complexity, and erudition, The Upper Limit
shows how paying the lowest possible wages to workers at the bottom of
the labor market makes us all less secure." —Mary Pattillo, author of
Black on the Block "The concept of less eligibility is essential for understanding social control policies in the modern world. This book offers readers an excellent account of how this concept explains the trajectories of punishment and welfare policy in America. It should be read by everyone with an interest in these important subjects." —Ahmed White, author of The Last Great Strike -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bonnet F., Etienne Lal�, Mirna Safi and Etienne Wasmer. 2016. Better residential than ethnic discrimination! Reconciling audit’s findings and interviews’ findings in the Parisian housing market, Urban Studies. 53(13) pp. 2815-2833 Bonnet F. and Sudhir Venkatesh. 2016. Poverty and informal economies, in David Brady and Linda Burton (dir.), Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Poverty, Oxford University Press, pp. 637-659 Quentin Batr�au and F. Bonnet 2016, Managed informality. Regulating street vendors in Bangkok, City & Community, 15 (1), pp. 29-43 Cl�ment Th�ry et F. Bonnet. 2016, La sociologie am�ricaine de la pauvret�, du ghetto wilsonien aux villes globales, Sociologie, 7 (1), pp. 77-94 Bonnet F. 2015, “Violences conjugales, genre et criminalisation: synth�se des d�bats am�ricains”, Revue fran�aise de sociologie, 56 (2), pp. 357-383 Bonnet F. and Clotilde Caillault. 2015. “The invader, the enemy within and they-who-must-not-be-named. How police talk about minorities in Italy, the Netherlands and France”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38 (7), pp. 1185-1201), pp. 1185-1201 Bonnet F., Jacques de Maillard and Sebastian Roch�. 2015. “Plural policing of public space in France. Between private and local policing”, European Journal of Policing Studies, 2 (3), pp. 285-303 Bonnet F., “How to perform non-racism? Colorblind speech norms and race-conscious policies among French security personnel”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40 (8), 2014, pp. 1275-1294 Bonnet F., “Contr�ler des populations par l'espace? Pr�vention situationnelle et vid�osurveillance dans les gares et les centres commerciaux”, Politix, vol. 25, n�97, 2012, pp. 25-46 English
title: Controlling Populations through Space? Situational Crime
Prevention and CCTV in Railway Stations and Shopping Centers
Bonnet F., “Les machines politiques aux �tats-Unis. Client�lisme et immigration entre 1870 et 1950”, Politix, vol. 23, n�92, 2010, pp. 7-27 English title: Machines Politics in the United States. Clientelism and immigration, 1870-1950 Bonnet F., “Managing marginality in railway stations: beyond the welfare and social control debate”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 33 (4), 2009, pp. 1029-1044 Bonnet F. and B�n�dicte Robert, “La r�gulation �thique de la recherche aux Etats-Unis : histoire, �tat des lieux et enjeux” , Gen�ses, n�75, juin 2009, pp. 87-108 English title: Ethical Regulation of Research in the United States Bonnet F., “La distance sociale dans le travail de terrain : comp�tence strat�gique et comp�tence culturelle dans l’interaction d’enqu�te”, Gen�ses, n�73, d�cembre 2008, pp. 57-74 English title: Social
Distance in Fieldwork: Strategic Skills and Cultural Skills in Research
Bonnet F., “Les effets pervers du partage de la s�curit�. Polices publiques et priv�es dans une gare et un centre commercial”, Sociologie du travail, 50 (4), 2008, pp. 505-520 English title: The
Perverse Effects of Sharing Security. Private and Public Polices in a
Railroad Station and a Shopping Mall
Bonnet F., “Un crime sans d�viance : le vol en interne comme activit� routini�re”, Revue fran�aise de sociologie, 49 (2), 2008, pp. 331-350 English title: A
Crime Without Deviance. Employee Theft as a Routine Activity
Bonnet F., “Le vol en interne : les vols commis par les salari�s sur leur lieu de travail”, Sociologie du travail, 49 (4), 2007, pp. 544-556 English title: Employee
Theft. A Literature Review
Bonnet F., “De l’analyse �conomique du crime aux nouvelles criminologies anglo-saxonnes ? Les origines th�oriques des politiques p�nales contemporaines”, D�viance et soci�t�, 30 (2), 2006, pp. 137-154 English title: Economics, Conservative Criminology and Contemporary Penal Policies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PHD THESIS La production organis�e de l'ordre. Contr�ler des gares et des centres commerciaux � Lyon et � Milan (English title: The organized production of order. Controlling railway stations and shopping centers) Prix Gabriel Tarde / Gabriel Tarde Award 2007 from the French Society of Criminology for Best dissertation T�l�charger
les rapports de soutenance / Download the referees' comments
T�l�charger le .pdf de la th�se (1,5 mo) / Download the dissertation's pdf file (1.5 Mb) Dissertation defended on January 20th, 2006, at Sciences Po (Paris) before :
Ota de
Leonardis, Universit� di Milano-Bicocca (co-advisor)
Fran�ois Dubet, EHESS et Universit� de Bordeaux-2 (referee) Yves Grafmeyer, Lyon-2 (referee) Hugues Lagrange, Sciences Po, CNRS-Observatoire Sociologique du Changement Patrick Le Gal�s, Sciences Po, CNRS-Cevipof (co-advisor) Enzo Mingione, Universit� di Milano-Bicocca (prsident of the committee) Mention Tr�s honorable et f�licitations du jury � l'unanimit� / Best distinction | |